March 2013

Romans 8:14-25 – Citizens of Heaven

What’s your address? Not your temporary address, where you live today, but where you will spend eternity? This message from the book of Romans reminds us that this life is temporary and is leading up to something much greater if our identity is in Christ.

Romans 8:31-39 – Victorious

The old hymn tells us that there is victory in Jesus, which paves our way to heaven but also gives us the opportunity to be victorious in the battles we face here and now. Join us as we consider what it means to be “more than a conqueror” in God’s eyes as we think about […]

John 17:6-19 – Sanctified

In order to understand our identity as Christians, its important to acknowledge that God wants to do more than save us from hell–He also wants to make us more like His Son Jesus. In fact, one of the last recorded prayers of Jesus was for our sanctification, which is a concept we are too unfamiliar […]

Romans 8:1-11, 33-34 – No Longer Condemned

One of the greatest proclamations we can receive is that we are free, forgiven, and no longer facing judgment for the ways we’ve fallen short of God. Verse one of the eighth chapter of Romans tells us that this is the case for those who follow Jesus, that there is now no condemnation for us! […]

February 2013

Galatians 2:11-20 – Redefining Who We Are

This new sermon series begins by asking the question, “Who am I?” We are defined by so many different labels in this world that it can be difficult to remember how God sees us. We find a sense of identity in our work, in our history, in our personal relationships, in our socioeconomic class; where […]