June 2013

James 1:19-27 – Avoiding Family Conflict

It’s inevitable: if you are part of a family, then you have experienced family conflict. Not all conflict is avoidable, but there are some ways in which each of us can contribute to a healthier home environment by following God’s design for our lives as outlined in James 1.

Ephesians 6:1-3 – Honoring Mom and Dad

The book of Ephesians takes us back to Exodus and a commandment with a promise: if we will obey our parents, God will bless us with the chance to live a long and happy life! It all starts with honoring our mother and father, which in turn honors God. This message was given directly to […]

May 2013

Deuteronomy 6:1-9 – Impressing (Upon) Your Children

This message is for parents – those in the middle of raising kids, those who have sent them out of the nest and those who might be parents someday. Join us in a survey of the Scriptures and consider some parenting priorities as we continue our discussion on Family Matters.

Ephesians 5:21-33 – Husbands, Love Your Wives

As men, husbands are the kind of people who often need direct orders. God gives us just that through the Apostle Paul as he instructs us to love our wives as Christ has loved the church. Join us as we explore the meaning behind this instruction and apply it to our own lives.

Colossians 3:12-25 – Family Matters

As the foundation of our society and our homes, there is no getting around this fact: family matters. Join us today as we set the stage for this new series on following God’s blueprint for our families.