July 2013

Matthew 5:43-48 – Against Hatred

In our final installment of the series from Matthew 5, we are studying Jesus’ instructions to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, which has the potential to change the way we look at those we consider to be our enemies.

Matthew 5:38-42 – Against Revenge

All of our lives we’ve been taught to fight back when others come against us – to “give them a taste of their own medicine.” Jesus takes revenge out of the equation and suggests that we fight with love instead in the fifth chapter of Matthew.

Matthew 5:31-37 – Against Breaking Promises

In talking about divorce, Jesus is asking us to consider whether or not we are people of our word, people who keep the promises and commitments we make. Join us as we continue our study in Matthew 5, where we are learning what it looks like to follow Jesus in a world that doesn’t.

June 2013

Matthew 5:21-26 – Against Anger

In our first look at Jesus’ “You have heard it said…but I say to you…” statements, we get to the root of a matter many people had overlooked for centuries. Jesus unpacks the sixth commandment and shares the heart of God in the process as He teaches us about the troubles with anger and how […]

Matthew 5:1-13 – Swimming Upstream with the Beatitudes

Following Jesus in a world that doesn’t can feel like swimming upstream, against the current of popular opinion and wisdom. Join us as we start to consider how the teachings of Jesus lead us in a different direction than the world around us from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5.